With all of the talk about the high water I just had to venture out to one of my old flooded timber spots on the bypass and see if any ducks were utilizing it. We left the boat ramp at 5:30 AM and after a 1 hour white knuckle boat ride we arrived to find the pond flooded and looking good. We immediately got the decoys out and then hid the boat and slid in behind a fallen tree to see what the morning would bring. Almost immediately we could see wood ducks flying every where, but as legal shooting hours came the wood duck flight slowed way down as it some times will. We had a good set up and waited it out to see what would happen. Around 7:15 the woodys started to drift back into the pond 1 pair at a time and we ended the mornings hunt with 9 wood ducks and 5 mallards for the two of us. I took a picture mid morning of the birds hanging in a tree but forgot to get a final photo as I was freezing after standing in waist deep water all morning. It was alot of fun and I now remember why I used to love to hunt the flood water.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Today I guided Phil and Kate Buscaglia on a duck hunt. We hunted South of Colusa, and we pounded the birds. Right out of the gate there were ducks every where and they were listening to the call. We shot a bunch of teal and had some widgeon, mallards, and sprig mixed in. The hunt would have been short and sweet but it seemed like there was shooting every where around us for the first 2 hours, resulting in alot of flared birds. Once it quieted down the birds worked really well into 20 yards. We had a great time in the blind and I can only hope the shooting continues to be this way.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Today I guided Glenn and JP Macdonell on a duck hunt. We hunted South of Colusa and did fairly well. The morning started out with partial fog and then the wind and rain blew in. There were not a ton of birds flying but the ones that were seemed to be listening well. We ended the morning with 3 snow geese and 14 ducks for the 3 of us. Not red hot, but for this season we will take it!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Today i guided Mark Chiavetta and Randy Brumfield of San Jose on a duck hunt. The morning started off foggy and cleared around 10:30 AM. There was almost constant action all morning, but when the fog started to break it got really crazy. We had birds coming in from every direction and lots of them. We ended the morning with limits of ducks consisting of sprig, widgeon and teal. Another successful hunt with CICC Outdoor Adventures.
Monday, December 20, 2010
We have been killing a handful of birds every day and it seems like we have 3-4 real good days every week. One thing that is for sure, this season has been the most un predictable season that I have ever seen. Usually after the 10TH of December we can expect limits of birds almost every day, given that we have some kind of weather, however, not so this year. It seems as if you can take everything that you have ever known about duck hunting and just throw it out the window. There is no rhyme or reason as to what days are going to be good this season, you simply have to go and hope for the best. Looking back on the days of the season that have already passed it is evident that we have had some of our best shooting on clear, calm days which absolutely makes no sense, but that is just the way it is. Hopefully the rest of the season will fall into place and we can make up for what the season has not been thus far! Either way rest assured that we will be out there putting our time in and hoping for the best. Some people say that hunting is not all about killing birds and I would have to agree, but it sure makes it a hell of alot more fun!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Today I guided Dan Todd, Chris Petros, and Bill Walker on a duck hunt.The morning started off a little on the slow side but sure picked up around 8:30 AM. There were no alot of birds flying with the clear skies but the ones that were sure decoyed well. We ended the mornings hunt with 24 ducks between us, and had we not let a few lucky ones get away we would have shot limits. It was another great hunt, with a good group of guys.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Today I guided Bill,Tom, and Arie on a duck hunt. With the clear skies I thought it may be a little slow but boy was I wrong. It was another excellent hunt and we ended up killing 28 birds for the 4 of us. The birds are no doubt Northern birds as they responded to the call well and decoyed perfectly. This was another great hunt and I hope the hunting will hold strong for the rest of you guy's that still have not made it up here yet.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It finally broke wide open today! We guided Ray, Rich, Tom and TJ on a duck hunt and we smoked them. Between the 6 of us we bagged 42 ducks and 3 snows by 11:00 AM. It started off a little slow but turned red hot from 8:30 until we were finished. There were birds in the air every where and they decoyed perfectly. These guys were a real blast. We laughed from start to finish and managed to do a little killing in between! We ended the hunt with a mixed bag of birds, but alot of big ducks. It was a great shoot and I am sure that there will be more to come.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today I guided Garry Pohrman on a duck hunt. We had some good shooting early but it slowed down around 9:30. We ended the hunt with 8 birds on the strap and only a couple got away that we should have had. Again there were alot of high birds and the refuge was stacked full. As soon as we get a storm and a little wind there is going to be hell to pay. It looks like we are going to get some weather tomorrow and I will be waiting for them!
Today I planted some more pheasants for Scott Harrison. He bought a new pointer out of Washington and he worked beautiful. It was apparent that the dog had never seen tules before but he will catch on quickly, i am sure.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Today I guided Edmond, Oliver and Keith on a duck hunt. The hunt was a carbon copy of last Sunday's as the hunting was slow early and then turned on around 10:00 AM. There was flock after flock working us from 10:00-1:30 when we finally called it quits. We ended the day with 16 birds but it was not for lack of birds. I think Winchester forgot to put BB's in our shells when they loaded them! Never less we had a great day in the blind and alot of fun.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I got an invite to hunt with my buddy Big Shot today in the blind that he leases from us off of Packer Road, so I thought I would give it a try. Cade and I met Big Shot in the parking lot and headed to the blind. The skies were high fog and there were alot of birds moving around. We ended up having a great shoot, killing 14 birds for the 2 of us shooting. The birds were mostly teal but you will hear no complaints from me. When we finished up my 5 year old son Cade let us know that it was his superior calling that brought all of the birds in! I guess the whistle that we gave him did the trick. It was alot of fun and you cannot put a value on the smile that Cade had the whole morning.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Today I guided Garry Pohrman and Kiuya Brown on a duck hunt. It was evident right off the bat that some new pintail had shown up as flock after flock decoyed in at 20 yards. We could have shot 28 sprig without a problem, but stopped at our 2 a piece and watched in amazement as they just kept coming. We did manage to pick off a couple of teal and a few widgeon ending the day with 12 birds. I know it can get frustrating when there are nothing but pintail flying, but they sure are neat to watch. I got some great video footage that I will post as soon as I get a chance.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Today I guided Greg and Logan Macdonell on a duck hunt. The ducks were not cooperating but we made the best of it and ended up bagging 10 birds. All of the birds seemed to have on ear muffs today, as they paid no attention to the calling what so ever. The last 2 days have been tough but I think it is getting ready to brake wide open. There seems to be alot more birds around now so it could happen any day. Until it does we will just keep picking them off 1 by 1.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Today I guided Pete Harris and his Father In Law Larry. We hunted South of Colusa and managed to bag 10 ducks and 3 geese. We should have had a couple of more birds but they snuck in on us when we were not looking. There were alot of high flyers today and the geese seemed to be staying just out of range. All in all it was a good day in the blind with a couple of great guys.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Today I had the pleasure of Guiding Scott Harrison and Garry Pohrman on a duck hunt. The guys were sure shot's and managed to knock down 12 ducks. I was very happy with the hunt as it was crystal clear and dead calm. All of the birds that we killed were quality birds that responded very well to the call. I think there are good things to come as there seem to be more Northern ducks showing up every day.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Today I had the pleasure of guiding Edmond Jin and his buddy Keith. The hunting started out a little on the slow side but got red hot around 9:30. We managed to kill a total of 14 birds but it took 7 boxes of shells to do it. Alot of the birds flying were teal and we just could not seem to get our lead right. It was alot of fun and the guys really enjoyed them selves. Edmond says he will be back for sure!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It looks as if the new ducks are starting to arrive. Today I guided Jim Rees from Coalinga, California on a duck hunt and we had a blast. The birds were all over and were responding well to the call. When it was all said and done we ended the morning with 9 birds, however, I think we both had bent barrels. There sure were alot more empty's floating around in the water, then we had birds on the strap! Oh well, that is how it goes some days.....Right?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Today Scott Harrison and Mike Frederick came out to shoot some pheasants. They again hunted over my pointer Toby, and managed to bag 15 out of the 20 birds. This was only their second ever hunt and it looks as if they are hooked. They are great guys and I am sure that you will see them pictured on the Blog again.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Today we headed down to the Davis Tule Ranch, South of Colusa to see how it was shooting. The duck hunting was slow but the geese were thick and were showing alot of interest in our spread. We managed to take down 6 snows, 8 rosses, and 4 specks. It was a fun hunt with my buddies and I just had to post a picture of the original Big Shot struggling to hold up 1 of the straps.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Today I planted pheasant's for Scott and Jim Harrison from Minessota. It was their first ever hunting trip and the father son team had a great time hunting over my Germain Wire Haired pointer Toby. A total of 22 roosters were flushed and they managed to bag 8 of them. Not bad for their first time hunting, but they promised to come back and redeem themselves soon.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Today I guided Dan Todd and his son Cameron on a duck hunt. We hunted the blind on the East Side of Delevan Refuge and the results were so-so. We ended up killing 14 birds, but it was a little slower than we are used to. Hope fully we will get a push of new birds soon.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Today I guided Craig and Don Cook from Los Angeles, California on a duck hunt. The hunting was a little slow but we stuck it out and the guys ended up killing their limits. It was their first time hunting with us and they assured me that they will be back.
Today we did the annual Bambury Family pheasant hunt. I planted 20 birds for the guys and they had a blast hunting them in the Natural Habitat along the slough. They killed a total of 15 birds and there dogs worked perfectly. A good time was had by all and I look forward to seeing the guys next season.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Today I guided Dan and Jake on a pig hunt. It did not take us long to spot a group of pigs and the stalk was on. We spotted the pigs from roughly 500 yards and were able to sneak to within 150 yards of them and put the hammer down. Several shots were fired by both hunters but only 1 found it's mark, and Jake put down a nice sow. We continued to hunt a while longer and saw some other pigs, but none that were willing to stand still long enough, so we called it quits. These guys were alot of fun and a good time was had by all.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Today I had the pleasure of guiding Les Leister and Phil DeShazo on a duck hunt. The weather was perfect and the ducks were thick. It only took us 2 hours to get full limits of ducks. There were alot of big ducks around this morning and we even ended up with 1 banded mallard. It was a quick hunt but 1 that will not soon be forgotten by these guys.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Today we hunted a field that we started water in only a couple of days ago. I knew going into it that the water was not even close to right but I had to try it any ways. I have the SICKNESS and with wind and rain forcasted I just had to give it a try. We ended up with 10 birds and one that was packing a little jewlrey. Not bad for a quick hunt!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Today I guided Felipe DeSouza from San Francisco, California on a pig hunt. After we had all of the paperwork filled out we headed up the hill to see what we could get into. At first light we could hear some pigs working in the brush below us but never did spot them so we headed down the road to see what else we could find. We turned up a ridge to head to a vantage point when I looked over my shoulder and spotted a lone boar working his way through the next canyon over. After a quick U-Turn we were off to see if we could relocate the boar. We knew we were in the vicinity of where the boar was headed when all of the sudden I saw him walking out of the draw. We stopped the ranger and I told Felipe to get out and take a shot as the boar was now standing broadside at 75 yards looking at us. As Felipe tried to get his gun loaded a case of pig fever must have taken over as I watched in disbelief as he jacked all of the shells from his magazine onto the ground without ever firing a shot. By this time the boar had enough and headed up the canyon. After Felipe gained his composure I told him not to worry as I thought I knew exactly where the boar was headed. We went up and over the next ridge and got set up over looking a brush patch where I thought the pig was headed. Within minutes I could hear something moving in the draw below us, so we crept up to the edge and looked over. I quickly spotted the boar and ranged him at 182 yards. Felipe got on the sticks and was getting ready to shoot when the boar walked behind some trees and we lost sight of him. While Felipe was trying to relocate the boar I looked down where he had just come from and a group of 5 more pigs came walking out. Felipe picked out a good sized pig and took the shot. The pig dropped in it's tracks and the rest is history. After the shot I looked over at Felipe and he was all smiles and was still shaking. This was his first wild pig and I can assure you that it will not be his last. I enjoy watching some one else take their first pig almost as much as when I took my first. This was a hunt that Felipe will always remember, and he has assured me that he will be back for another hunt soon.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
We began work on a Wetland Project on 9-14-2010, off of Harbison Road. For all of you who are familiar with our property it was the milo field in the past. We have taken the 40 acres out of production and are turning it back into a natural marsh land. The 40 acres has been laser leveled, swales cut and I am in the process of installing the drain pipes and transplanting tules. As soon as I get the tules transplanted I will flood the wetland and get some photo's posted. My plan is to transplant the tules this fall and then plant 1500 willow trees this spring. I will also be planting water grass and smart weed within the project so that the birds will have feed next fall. This project will take 3-4 years to make my vision come to life, however, when the trees are all grown up this should be a nice little mallard hole for our client's to enjoy. I will keep you updated on this project as we move forward.
Today I had the pleasure of guiding Kevin Cornish of Lafayette, California on a pig hunt. We met at the casino and headed up to the ranch. Upon completing all of the necessary paper work we were off to the races. Our first stop was a high vantage point over looking the flats where the wheat fields are planted. We glassed for 10 minutes without turning any thing up so we headed further into the ranch. We were headed down hill when I looked up and noticed a group of 5 or so pigs standing up the hill. We stopped the ranger and Kevin got out to take a shot , but the pigs had a different plan and they headed up hill quickly. We took off walking in hopes of getting another chance at them. As we crested the next little hill I immediately noticed a big boar walking right to us maybe 50 yards away. I grabbed Kevin and pointed at the boar, but he vanished as soon as he appeared (Strike 2). We continued to try and relocate the pigs that had eluded us but with no prevail. We then continued on and stopped at a little brush patch that always has a pig or two in it. I set Kevin up where the pigs were likely to try and escape and I circled back around to try and push something out to him. Within minutes of crawling into the brush I could smell a pig and knew that something good was about to happen. I continued moving through the brush when I heard a shot quickly followed by another. As I made it to the end of the patch I could see Kevin and he was all smiles, so I knew he had bagged one. We went over to take a look and I was surprised to see a 250 pound boar laying there dead. The pig had come out of the brush a mere 25 yards from Kevin and he hammered him. The boar had 2.5 inch cutters and looked like an old warrior with all of the scars on his back and his shredded ears. This was another great hunt, and Kevin was alot of fun to hunt with. Maybe next time Kevin's buddy who was supposed to come on this trip will be able to make it, and we can kill a pair of old scrappers.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
We had an excellent dove season this year, probably the best that we have ever had. The shooting was continuous through out the entire season with limits shot almost every day of the season. After the opener we had groups of 2-4 hunters almost every day, and the guys had great success. We were rotating where we shot each day between the safflower, the foothills, and a cut wheat field, allowing each ranch to rest for a couple of days between hunts. I believe having the ability to move around really helped us this year. It is always nice to have good dove hunting, to keep the trigger finger warmed up for the up coming duck season.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The opening day dove hunt was another success. Although the hunting was not as good as it should have been due to the cold snap the week before, we still managed to do well. The guys in the safflower field shot good in the morning while the foothill ranch was a little slower. Most of the guys in the safflower limited out in the morning and half of the guys in the foothills did as well. After the BBQ lunch the guys who did not get their birds in the morning went back out and finished up making the day a great success. Out of the 50 hunters 42 shot their limits of birds, while the other 8 guys left with 6-8 each. We look forward to this hunt every year and are already planning for next season. I would like to thanks all of the guys who came and hunted with us, you guys are what makes this hunt so much fun.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
We were resting the ranch from Mid-August through Mid-September, so we had a little free time to do some hunting for ourselves. A group of our family and friends headed up to B-zone for the archery deer opener and we had a blast. Out of the 5 hunters we were able to take 3 nice bucks and blew a few chances at others. All in all it was a great time and in all reality we should have taken 5 bucks. I will try and find all of the photo's and attach them as soon as possible.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Today I guided Jack Hodges on a pig hunt. As soon as it got light enough to see we spotted some pigs down in the wheat and headed their direction. Before we could get to them they left the wheat field and headed into the hills. I thought I knew where they would go so we headed into the hills to try and get in front of them. We got into a ravine and began watching a couple of trails that I thought they would be coming down. Sure enough they crested the ridge and began coming towards us when all at once they must have smelled us and off they went. We jumped on the ranger and went to the head of the next canyon hoping to catch them crossing it. Again they came down towards us and this time they made a fatal mistake, stopping in front of dead eye Jack. With one well placed shot Jack was standing over a 80-100 pound sow, that will be great for the BBQ. We had a great time on this hunt, however, I forgot my camera so we were not able to get any photo's. Sorry Guys!
Today I had the pleasure of guiding Jon Paslaqua and William Millagen on a pig hunt. The pigs have been hitting the wheat field hard so we headed to the point overlooking the wheat to see what was out there. As the sky began to lighten I noticed some black dots on the North end of the field so we checked the wind and began our stalk. We closed the distance quickly and got set up waiting for legal shooting light. As soon as the clock struck shoot time William smoked a nice sized sow. She dropped in her tracks and the others made a mad dash for the hills leaving Jon without a shot. We knew Williams pig was down for the count so we decided to walk across the wheat field and see what was on the back side of a small group of ridges that run through the wheat field. As we came over the top of the first ridge we spotted a loan boar feeding on the edge of the wheat and Jon smoked him, another 1 shot kill. When it was all said and done we had 2 pigs down and in the truck headed for the skinning shack within an hour of legal shooting light. Both of these guys made great shots and we had alot of laughs while in the field.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Today I had the pleasure of guiding Jerry Pryde from Granite Bay, California. We decided to switch things up a bit this morning so we headed up into the hills to try and catch the pigs as they left the wheat field and made their way to bed. At 6:00 AM we caught a glimpse of 8 nice sized hogs making their way towards us but at the last minute they turned and went up another draw that headed North of where we were set up. We knew where they were going so we hot footed it in their direction hoping to catch them crossing the road in front of us as they made their way up hill. As luck would have it they crossed the road and made it into the thick brush before we could get there. We then headed back to our original vantage point and within minutes saw another group of 10-12 pigs headed right for us. We were set up and watching the trail that they always come out on when I looked up and saw them sneaking out another trail on the top of the draw. Again we headed towards them but by the time we caught up to them all we couls see were a couple 40-50 pounders so we let them go. At this point we had been fooled twice but I knew that it would not happen a third time. We hopped on the ranger and headed deeper into the ranch checking a few of the likely spots with no success, so we pushed on. As we made our decent from the top of the ridge down into the valley movement in the creek bottom caught my eye, it was pigs and a bunch of them! The group of pigs were on the move and heading up a brushy draw so we headed up the hill to try and catch them when they came out the top. As we got to the top of the hill almost immediately we could hear the crashing of brush and knew that the pigs were about to make a fatal mistake. I ranged the trail coming out of the brush at 150 yards and Jerry got ready to shoot. The first couple pigs to come out were 125-150 pounds and as Jerry got ready to shoot I noticed a huge boar bringing up the rear. I told Jerry to look at the back of the group and within seconds Jerry dropped the big boar. After dragging the boar to an area that we could get the ranger to we took some photo's, gutted the pig, and headed to the barn to get the hide off. The boar weighed 265 pounds field dressed and 185 pounds after skinning. That is a toatl of 80 pounds of just hide and head. Jerry is taking the head to the taxidermist and once completed will hang it in J & G Gunsmithing out of Granite Bay. Jerry owns this shop and I would recommend him to any one in need of gun repair or custom work to any type of firearm. Another great hunt with another great client.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Today we had Western Outdoor News editor Bill Karr in the field doing an On-The-Spot pig hunt. The hunt went as we figured it would and Bill was soon standing over a nice sized meat pig. Due to the South breeze we decided to walk into the wheat field this morning following the East border with hopes that the pigs would be out in the middle of the field and would not wind us. We waited until legal shooting light and began our treck across the wheat field. Almost immediately we had a group of 8 pigs walk within 10 yards of us but they were only 40-50 pounders so we let them go. We saw roughly 20 small pigs as we made our way up onto a point in the wheat field where we would be able to gain enough elevation to see what else was out feeding. As we crested the ridge we saw 2 groups of pigs, with 3-4 big pigs in each group and a bunch of piglets. We picked out the group that had a boar in it and made our way down towards them. At 200 yards we sat down and Bill got set to shoot. The pigs began walking towards us and at 175 yards turned broadside and Bill smoked the boar with a spine shot. Another very quick but successful hunt. You will be able to read the whole story in the 8-13-10 issue of Western Outdoor News.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Today I guided Bryan Valencia of Modesto, California on a pig hunt. We met in Maxwell at 4:00 AM and headed up to the ranch. Upon completing the necessary paperwork we headed to a point that over looks the North end of the wheat field and awaited legal shooting light. At first light it was evident that this was going to be a quick hunt as we could see pigs feeding all over in the wheat field. At this point Bryan said he would like to shoot a big boar so we began looking for the biggest pig in the field so that we could get set up for a shot. We located what looked to be a 250-300 pound pig standing along the creek feeding and we were off. As we peered over the bank and down into the creek the pig was within 40 yards but turned out to be a huge sow that was just about ready to have piglets, so we let her go and went to find another. As we were working our way back South a big boar cut across the field in front of us but never gave Bryan a shot before he went under the fence and into the neighbors property. We looked back into the wheat field and saw a group of 10 pigs working there way right to us and there were 2 definite shooters in the group. As the pigs walked by at 50 yards Bryan put the hammer down and the bigger of the 2 boars fell dead in his tracks. Another quick and successful hunt for Bryan. This was his second pig hunt with us and he has yet to go longer than an hour with out killing a pig. Some guys have all of the luck!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Today I had the pleasure of guiding first time hunter Joshua Anton to his first kill ever. This was Josh's first time in the field and for a rookie he did an exellent job. It was apparent that he had done his home work and was prepared to go on this hunt. We started the morning sitting on a high vantage point overlooking the wheat field. Within minutes of beginning to glass we spotted a lone boar working his way towards the pond for his morning drink, so off we went. As we were closing the distance on the boar we were suprised as another group of 15 pigs rounded the corner and came down the same trail as the boar. We worked our way into 100 yards and Joshua got set up on the sticks and ready to shoot. He was zeroed in on the boar, but had to wait for him to present a shot as he was walking directly away from us. At 200 yards the boar turned broadside and Joshua smoked him with 1 well placed shot from the trusty .270. We then began our hike back up the hill to the ranger so that we could go recover his pig. We made our way down the hill on the ranger and as we went by the pond 6 more big pigs stood up and headed up hill. These pigs must have came around the corner on the same trail as the others while we were walking back up to the ranger. There was definately alot of activity this morning, and a great first hunt for Joshua. If you want to get out and get a pig of your own give Casey a call at (530)682-3176, as I know we have some openings in the coming weeks.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Today I guided Richard and Christian Jajeh from San Bruno, California. We met at the casino and headed to the ranch. We went up the hill in the dark and got set up with hopes that we would catch some pigs working up a very well used trail in an area of the ranch that had not been hunted for a week. At 6:00 AM we had a lone boar walk right up the trail to us and Christian hammered him at 70 yards. The boar ran down hill and piled up in a ravine so we just sat tight hoping another group would show. At 6:30 AM I looked down towards the pond and spotted a group of 6 pigs headed in our direction, so Christian got on the sticks and prepared for the shot. Within minutes the pigs were within 60 yards of us and Christian picked out a nice sow and put the hammer down. The sow kicked and ran down the hill falling within 10 feet of the first one. The hunt was over by 6:30 AM, but the work was just starting. It took us a little over an hour to pack the pigs up the hill to the ranger, with a small detour around a bee hive, and a small break to take care of a 30 inch rattle snake that did not like us on his mountain. Boy did we show him who was boss! We were back to the trucks by 9:00 and they were on the road back to the city with a ice chest full of carnita meat. These guys were great hunters and very helpful in packing the pigs out of the canyon, true sportsmen. Another short hunt but we were thankful to be out of the hills before the thermometer broke 100 degrees.
This morning I guided Ken Loberg from Biggs, California. We met at 4:00 AM and headed up to the ranch. I had a good idea where we would be able to catch some pigs leaving the wheat and heading to bed so off we went. We were set up by 5:00 and were awaiting legal shooting light. At 5:15 I looked down towards the wheat field and a lone boar was making his way up the trail that would lead him into a path of destruction if he did not stray. As the boar neared he switched trails and made his way up the other side of the canyon making for a 350 yard shot, but Ken was confident that he could make the shot count. As the boar crossed in front of us I whistled to make him stop while Ken leveled his .300 Win Mag and touched the trigger. The boar crumbled and fell dead on the trail. As we were celebrating Ken's great shot we sat and watched as another lone boar and then a group of 4 sows with piglet's walk up the same trail and right past their fallen comrade. There was alot of action this morning and some times it is neat just to sit and watch all of the pigs as they make there way from feeding to bed. We ended the morning seeing roughly 30 pigs and we were out of the hills by 7:30 AM. Ken was alot of fun and I hope he will be back for another hunt soon.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Today I guided first time pig hunter Dan Ridley. We started the morning on a high vantage point trying to catch some pigs coming back up out of the wheat field. We sat in the first area for 20 minutes without seeing a thing so we headed North to see what we could find. As we were driving up the hill we saw a group of 4-5 pigs moving across the flats, headed up into the hills to bed down for the day. The chase was on as we tried to get ahead of the pigs and set up before they got into the brush, but they ended up eluding us, never to be seen again. We then continued North hoping we could still catch some pigs out before they bedded down for the day. As we crested a big ridge a group of 10 pigs crossed the road and we jumped out of the ranger and followed after them. When we got into the open the pigs were 100 yards out and on the move. One well placed shot from Dan's .257 Weatherby and he had secured his first wild pig. The boar weighed roughly 150 pounds and is headed to the taxidermist for a shoulder mount. I had alot of fun with Dan and he has already booked a spot for the opening day dove hunt, and another pig hunt for September. Another great hunt and another happy client.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
This evening I had the pleasure of guiding Matt Rowland, of Fairfield on a wild pig hunt. We met at the casino at 6:00 PM and were at the ranch and up on the hill by 7:00 PM. We began glassing towards the wheat field and all of the draws leading down into it looking for a target. At around 7:30 PM, Matt asked me what time do the pigs usually start coming down to the wheat? Before I could answer him I looked up and saw a nice sized boar heading down the trail right towards us. The stalk was on! We grabbed our gear and headed down hill to intercept the boar as he watered at the pond before heading out into the wheat to feed. We slipped down the hill and got set up for Matt to take the shot. I ranged the boar one last time at 126 yards and Matt squeezed the trigger. The boar dropped dead in his tracks, never even knowing what hit him. Matt made an excellent shot and the rest is history. He is a great kid and a very accomplished hunter for his age. I hope we will see them again soon.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Today I guided Jim and Mark Gillman from Yreka on a pig hunt. We started the mornings hunt on a high vantage point on the North end of the ranch. 10 minutes into legal shooting light we spotted a group of 6 pigs leaving the wheat field and heading towards us. The pigs did as they were supposed to and came right down the trail in front of us. The pigs were moving quickly and at 200 yards the shooting began. There were a couple of very close calls but none of the bullets hit their mark. As that group scampered up the hill I looked back down towards the wheat field to see another group of 4 pigs headed right up the same trail. I told the guys to reload as we had more targets on their way. This group came up the exact same trail and once again they would not stop and the bullets flew but none connected. At this point it was already getting hot so we headed down the hill, strapped on the snake chaps and decided to take a walk down the creek that borders the wheat as it still has alot of water and shade in it. When we reached the trees along the creek the wheat field exploded with pigs and Mark was able to head shoot a nice sized meat pig for the BBQ. We only ended up with 1 pig but we sure did see alot and the boys got to sling some lead. This was Mark's first pig and he assured me that it would not be his last. These guys were great guys and I hope to see them again soon.
On another note somehow in trying to transfer the pictures from the camera to the computer the photo was lost so all you get is the story this time. Sorry guys!
On another note somehow in trying to transfer the pictures from the camera to the computer the photo was lost so all you get is the story this time. Sorry guys!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
This morning I had the pleasure of guiding Bob and Travis Cloyd on a pig hunt. We met in Maxwell at 4AM and headed up to the ranch. Once all of the paperwork was complete we headed up to a high vantage point over looking the wheat field and awaited legal shooting light. 2 minutes into the hunt I spotted a loan boar working his way up the creek to his bedding area. I thought I knew where he was headed so Travis and I took off to try and cut him off before he got into the brush. The boar worked his way on to the backside of a little knob and we got set up and ready to shoot. The boar fed right to us and at 80 yards Travis put the hammer down. The boar kicked and ran out of sight. As we crested the hill he was piled up in a ravine not 30 yards from the first shot. This was Travis's first big game kill and I am pleased that I was able to be their with him. This is what makes my job so much fun. These guys were alot of fun to hunt with and I hope this was only the first of many hunts to come with them.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It has been awhile since our last post and for all of the BLOG followers out there we are still hunting,but have had a few unfortunate things happen over the last week resulting in no pictures of the kill.
On 6-23-10 our client showed up with a 2010-2011 tag so we were unable to get him out in the field until his tag becomes valid on July 1, 2010.
On 6-25-10 we had a client stick a pig with his bow at a mere 24 yards. The shot was a little far back so we left the pig for over an hour before we entered the field for recovery. As soon as we started to track I knew we were in trouble. There was very little blood and alot of thick cover. We tracked this pig for over 3 hours and kept finding a little blood here and there but eventually the blood ran out. We went back the next morning with the dogs and looked again for a couple of hours but unfortunately the animal was never recovered. This is unfortunate but will more than likely happen to all hunters at some point in their hunting career.
On 6-26-2010 we had 2 clients out hunting for pigs. The morning turned out to be un-productive so we took them back out in the evening. 20 minutes before the end of shooting hours a group of 15 pigs made there way down towards the wheat field and we snuck to within 146 yards of them but they would not stop moving and the clients were not comfortable with the shot, so no rounds were fired.
On 6-29-2010 we had a hunter miss a nice boar at 175 yards. While we never did find another pig for him to shoot that day he did hammer a coyote at 75 yards.
This just goes to show that hunting is just that hunting! When dealing with mother nature there is never a guarantee that the hunt will end with the taking of an animal but as long as everyone has a good time I feel that the hunts were successful.
The Outdoor Adventures Team
On 6-23-10 our client showed up with a 2010-2011 tag so we were unable to get him out in the field until his tag becomes valid on July 1, 2010.
On 6-25-10 we had a client stick a pig with his bow at a mere 24 yards. The shot was a little far back so we left the pig for over an hour before we entered the field for recovery. As soon as we started to track I knew we were in trouble. There was very little blood and alot of thick cover. We tracked this pig for over 3 hours and kept finding a little blood here and there but eventually the blood ran out. We went back the next morning with the dogs and looked again for a couple of hours but unfortunately the animal was never recovered. This is unfortunate but will more than likely happen to all hunters at some point in their hunting career.
On 6-26-2010 we had 2 clients out hunting for pigs. The morning turned out to be un-productive so we took them back out in the evening. 20 minutes before the end of shooting hours a group of 15 pigs made there way down towards the wheat field and we snuck to within 146 yards of them but they would not stop moving and the clients were not comfortable with the shot, so no rounds were fired.
On 6-29-2010 we had a hunter miss a nice boar at 175 yards. While we never did find another pig for him to shoot that day he did hammer a coyote at 75 yards.
This just goes to show that hunting is just that hunting! When dealing with mother nature there is never a guarantee that the hunt will end with the taking of an animal but as long as everyone has a good time I feel that the hunts were successful.
The Outdoor Adventures Team
Monday, June 21, 2010
This morning I guided Beau Rodgers for his second pig hunt of the year with CICC Outdoor Adventures. As we were making our way down to our ambush site a group of 20 pigs crossed the road in front of us but we had to let them go as it was not legal shooting time yet. We continued down the hill to set up at a reservoir where we have seen the pigs water the last few days. We got set up and the wait began, as legal shooting time came and went we had no action, so we headed out to try and locate some pigs that were still out feeding. As we crested the first ridge I saw a couple pigs run down the hill into some brush and stop. We quickly formulated a plan and put it into action. I left Beau and his father Mark at the top of the hill in an opening while I walked around the bottom of the patch with hopes that the pigs would move up hill. As luck would have it the plan worked perfectly and the pigs heard me coming and walked right up the hill to Beau and Mark. They let the first couple of sows walk, as they had piglets with them. A couple of seconds later a dry sow trotted into the opening and Beau flat smoked her. She was moving pretty quick as she passed through the opening, but not fast enough to out run Beau's 7MM. He maid a perfect shot hitting her right behind the shoulders and dropping her in her tracks. This was Beau's second hunt with us this year and he has taken 2 pigs in 2 shots, the kid is a killer! Thanks guys for another great hunt. It sure is nice when every thing goes as planned.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
This evening I had the pleasure of guiding Doc Sufi, from Sacramento, California on a pig hunt. We do not offer afternoon hunts to often but with 2009-2010 pig tags getting ready to expire this would be the only chance for Doc to get out. We got to the ranch by 7:00 PM and rode up to a high vantage point over looking the wheat field and the surrounding valley. Within minutes we spotted a lone boar moving into the wheat field, but he was moving too fast and did not allow us enough time to get in front of him so we just watched as he croosed the flat and got into the wheat. Throughout the evening we saw 4 other pigs cross the valley and enter the wheat, however, they were simply moving too quickly to get in front of them. At 8:45 PM I looked down below us and caught movement coming through the trees. It was a group of 12-15 pigs and we were off to the races with little shooting time left, we had to move quick. We headed down the ridge and positioned ourselves directly above the pigs that were now rooting around in the pond below us. With one last check of the watch we still had five minutes of legal shooting time left, so Doc settled his cross hairs on the biggest pig and let one fly. He made a perfect shot and the sow dropped in her tracks. The rest of the group ran about 50 yards and stopped to look back at their fallen comrade and that is when Doc put the hammer down on another nice sow. Both of the pigs fell within 50 yards of each other and we were able to drive the ranger right down to them and load them up. The first sow weighed roughly 130 pounds and the second 100 pounds. He was after some good eaters and that is exactly what he got. This was a quick hunt but the results were the same, another happy client.
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