Today was a first for me. I took Larry Headington of Fairfield, California out on a pig hunt. While I have guided many pig hunts in the past Larry was going to attempt to take a pig with a pistol, chambered in 454 casul. We started the morning looking for some pigs in a good location to put the sneek on. After a failed attempt to sneek up on a couple pigs I headed for the brush in hopes of pushing some pigs out to Larry who would be waiting. Just as planned the pigs were in the brush patch and came out right on the trail within 20 yards of Larry. Larry made the shot and the rest is history. The pig that Larry picked out of the bunch was a nice sized meat hog weighing roughly 125 pounds. It was a very different hunt for me as I am used to guiding rifle hunters, but the end result was the same. Another happy hunter!