Today I guided Bryan Valencia of Modesto, California on a pig hunt. We met in Maxwell at 4:00 AM and headed up to the ranch. Upon completing the necessary paperwork we headed to a point that over looks the North end of the wheat field and awaited legal shooting light. At first light it was evident that this was going to be a quick hunt as we could see pigs feeding all over in the wheat field. At this point Bryan said he would like to shoot a big boar so we began looking for the biggest pig in the field so that we could get set up for a shot. We located what looked to be a 250-300 pound pig standing along the creek feeding and we were off. As we peered over the bank and down into the creek the pig was within 40 yards but turned out to be a huge sow that was just about ready to have piglets, so we let her go and went to find another. As we were working our way back South a big boar cut across the field in front of us but never gave Bryan a shot before he went under the fence and into the neighbors property. We looked back into the wheat field and saw a group of 10 pigs working there way right to us and there were 2 definite shooters in the group. As the pigs walked by at 50 yards Bryan put the hammer down and the bigger of the 2 boars fell dead in his tracks. Another quick and successful hunt for Bryan. This was his second pig hunt with us and he has yet to go longer than an hour with out killing a pig. Some guys have all of the luck!