Today I guided Felipe DeSouza from San Francisco, California on a pig hunt. After we had all of the paperwork filled out we headed up the hill to see what we could get into. At first light we could hear some pigs working in the brush below us but never did spot them so we headed down the road to see what else we could find. We turned up a ridge to head to a vantage point when I looked over my shoulder and spotted a lone boar working his way through the next canyon over. After a quick U-Turn we were off to see if we could relocate the boar. We knew we were in the vicinity of where the boar was headed when all of the sudden I saw him walking out of the draw. We stopped the ranger and I told Felipe to get out and take a shot as the boar was now standing broadside at 75 yards looking at us. As Felipe tried to get his gun loaded a case of pig fever must have taken over as I watched in disbelief as he jacked all of the shells from his magazine onto the ground without ever firing a shot. By this time the boar had enough and headed up the canyon. After Felipe gained his composure I told him not to worry as I thought I knew exactly where the boar was headed. We went up and over the next ridge and got set up over looking a brush patch where I thought the pig was headed. Within minutes I could hear something moving in the draw below us, so we crept up to the edge and looked over. I quickly spotted the boar and ranged him at 182 yards. Felipe got on the sticks and was getting ready to shoot when the boar walked behind some trees and we lost sight of him. While Felipe was trying to relocate the boar I looked down where he had just come from and a group of 5 more pigs came walking out. Felipe picked out a good sized pig and took the shot. The pig dropped in it's tracks and the rest is history. After the shot I looked over at Felipe and he was all smiles and was still shaking. This was his first wild pig and I can assure you that it will not be his last. I enjoy watching some one else take their first pig almost as much as when I took my first. This was a hunt that Felipe will always remember, and he has assured me that he will be back for another hunt soon.