Thursday, September 26, 2013
Today the Harrison's were back and looking to settle the score! We hit the water running and new fish had moved in and decided to cooperate! We were getting bit nearly every pass but alot of them were short bites and we were missing them. We kept after it and our luck got better. We ended up landing 5 and hooking close to 12 or 15. There were alot of fresh clean fish around and I hope they will keep on coming. The fishing has been great for the last few weeks. All of my fish have been caught on lures, and if you haven't yet experienced a salmon hit a lure it's nothing short of amazing when they crush the lure. Sometimes they hit it so hard they about rip the rod out of your hand!!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Today I guided the Harrison's for salmon. We awoke to the howling North wind and I knew we would have our hands full. We started working our way down river and didn't see many fish around but we kept looking and finally found a few that would bite. We worked at it all day and ended up hooking 5 and landing 2. I am not sure what was going on today but hopefully we will get back into the fish tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Today I guided Matt, Dan, Eric, and Andrew for salmon. We headed down stream in search of the fish but came up empty handed at the first couple of stops. On the third stop the graph was showing fish and we went to work on them! Dan was the first to hookup and land a fish and the rest of the guys followed suit. Pass after pass we got bit but the guys were having a hell of a time hooking the fish and when we did get one hooked it was a 50/50 chance we would lose it before getting it in the net but we stayed after it. We ended the day landing 6, hooking 12, and missing quite a few more bites. We had alot of laughs on the boat today, mostly pointed towards Andrew!!!
Monday, September 23, 2013
My client for today was Chris Lemas and we were headed to the hills to see if we could get a pig killed. We met in Colusa and headed for the ranch. After completing the paperwork we headed out in search of some pigs and it didn't take long to get into them. I spotted a group up on top of a ridge feeding and threw together a plan and went after them. We took off on foot so they didn't spook and the plan worked perfectly. We got to within a 100 yards of them and picked out a nice sized boar as our target but he just wouldn't give us a shot. We waited as long as we could and before the pigs headed for the brush we switched our sights to a nice meat sow and Chris put the hammer down. The pig ran into the brush at the shot but only made it 20 yards before expiring.The hunt was short and sweet!
Today I guided Rick Sr. and Nigel for Salmon. We hit the water and headed back downstream in search of the fish. The first stop resulted in a couple fish for the box but I wasn't seeing many on the graph so we headed further down. At the next stop the graph was black and it didn't take long to fill the box. We had 6 in the box and lost 3 others by 10:00 AM. What a great day on the water!!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Today I guided Brad, Jess, and Joann for salmon. The fish were not where we left them yesterday but it didn't take long to find them. We went to work on the fish and pass after pass we were getting bit and putting fish in the box. We ended the day hooking 12 salmon and putting 7 in the box! The fishing is as good as it gets right now.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Today I guided Brad, Carl and Linda for Salmon. The fish were biting the plugs right out of the gate and fish were going into the box. The first stop resulted in 6 fish hooked and 3 in the box. We soon moved to another hole and were getting the same results, alot of lost fish but alot of bites. We ended the day with 8 fish in the box. We had around 30 bites today, hooked 18, and landed 8. It was the best plug bite I have seen in years, we just had a hell of a time landing them!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Today I guided Cliff, Jack, and Herb for salmon. We headed back to the same place we left off yesterday and the fish were still there waiting. Herb was the first to hookup and the boys quickly followed. We made pass after pass and got bit each and every time. It was a great day on the water and the guys ended up with limits of fish to put in the freezer.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today I guided Ron, Dan, and Bob for salmon. We hit the water running and the fish were biting the plugs!! Bob was the first to hookup and the others were right behind him. In 7 passes we hooked 9 fish and boxed 6 of them. The bite was red hot and I hope this is a start of good things to come. The fish were finally holding and more then ready to bite!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Today I guided the Harrison's from Vinton, Ca. for salmon. We launched in Hamilton City and began working our way down the river. I checked a few holes that were empty but on the third or fourth stop we found the fish. We were running lures and made several passes in a row that resulted in fish on! The fish were fighting to beat hell and we ended up losing several fish and missing a few bites. We ended up hooking 7 fish but only managed 3 for the box. It was a great day on the water and we had plenty of good laughs!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
The long awaited dove opener is finally here! We had 20 guys in the field today and everyone got shooting, some more than others. The birds had been thick in mid August but as they usually do alot of them headed South prior to the opener. Of the hunters in the field today they had around a 6 bird average during the morning shoot and the guys that stuck around filled out with the rest of their limits during the evening shoot. Not red hot, but not too bad either. The general consensus was that most everyone had plenty of shooting to kill limits but the birds seemed to have on their bullet proof vests, as alot of them flew off untouched by the barrage of shooting. I always look forward to this hunt and hope to see all of you guys again next year!!
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