Monday, November 30, 2015
A little change in the weather, finally!
With the change in the weather we had a good shoot this morning! Lots of birds flying but had a hard time getting them to finish with the high overcast! At one point in time the wind came up and we even got snowed on for awhile! Paul and Demetri made the best of their opportunities and ended up with a nice strap of birds! I definitely saw things today that make me think it will bust loose any day, let's hope so!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Back at it
Saturday, November 28, 2015
I needed my duck fix so we headed to the wetland thinking the clear, cold, and windy morning would produce. There were quite a few mallards around but damn, they are stubborn! We managed to coax several groups into gun range and ended the morning with 8 mallards and scared the hell out of that many more! It was a good hunt and I look forward to whats to come.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Back at the geese
The geese seem to be the only thing we can rely on right now! There was good goose action this morning until a huge grind started just north of us and shut us down! We got our licks in early and ended up with a nice strap of snows and specks!
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Cold and Clear but still pretty slow
Back to the rice hoping the ducks would show but again they weren't cooperating! We stayed at it and ended the morning with 5 ducks and 4 specks. Seemed like there were a few more ducks today so it should pick up soon.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Specks and more Specks!

The weather was clear and calm again this morning so back to chasing specks! No ducks flying at all but the specks listened and it didn't take long for the 3 of us to get our closure limit of 3 each! I really wish they would do away with that damn closure!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Getting a little better
Gave the wetland a try today and ended up with 7 birds, but should of had another limit had we been able to shoot! I took my son Cade out with me today so he could get a little more training on how to put out and pick up the decoys. That's what kids are for right?
Friday, November 20, 2015
Quite the mixed bag today! A few ducks, a few geese and a bonus pheasant on the way back to the truck!
Monday, November 16, 2015
A little wind but no ducks
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Weather didn't help much
The storm that was expected never materialized and the hunting was pretty slow again today, due to lack of birds. We ended up with 7 ducks out of one blind and 4 specks and 3 ducks out of the other. Like I always say it's "you never know November"!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Back on the geese
Sill no ducks to speak of but the specks are cooperating! We ended up with 7 specks and 4 ducks this morning. Not red hot but damn sure better than nothing!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Rice field specks
Clear with a slight breeze again today! No duck flight to speak of but we ended up hammering a few geese and missing a few more. It was a good time with a couple of great guys!
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Clear and Cold!

Had a great shoot this morning with Mark and his son Owen. This was the first duck hunt Owen had been on and we are pretty sure he killed all the birds with his Red Ryder! We ended up with 7 ducks and 5 specks, not bad for a no weather day! At the end of the hunt Owen informed his dad he was ready to get his hunting license, that's a good day in my book when ever we can introduce a junior to this fine sport.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Decent shoot for NO weather
This morning dawned clear and cold with a slight breeze. I decided to give the rice blind a try and I am glad I did. My gun was jamming and the other two had bent barrels but we managed to take down 8 ducks and 4 geese for the strap. With some better shooting we could have doubled our take today. Not a lot of ducks around but the ones that are decoyed great!
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Finally some wet weather!

This is just a friendly reminder of what happens when you close your action with your finger inside of it!! Derek decided to give it a try this morning and I bet he won't do it again!
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Clear and Calm
Well it was another no weather day but we had few opportunities and made the most of them. Damn sure not red hot but it looks like a chance of weather tomorrow!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Clear Calm Skies
After yesterday's ripping North wind we were met with clear calm skies today. I headed back to the same blind that I hunted yesterday with high hopes but the flight just wasn't there, what a difference a day makes! Jerry and Arie managed to kill most of the birds out in front of them today and went home with a decent strap for a no weather day!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
North wind specks!
Mark, Rick, ED, and I hit the blind near Delevan this morning and the North wind was howling! I expected to have a good duck shoot but there wasn't much of a duck flight so the specks stole the show! The specks were thick and it didn't take us long to get our closure limit of 3 specks each! We ended the morning with 12 specks, 2 snows, and 6 ducks. The speck flight was unreal and had we not been in the closure could have got our 10 each. I was surprised at the lack of ducks though, as big north winds usually equal heavy straps of ducks in that particular blind.
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