Today I guided Jack on a pig hunt. We started the morning searching all of the usual spots but there was just nothing out moving, so we kept looking. We had been all over the ranch checking close to water as it was warming up, but were not having any luck. I decided to go and check on the West end of the ranch and as we made our way down the hill I spotted a group of pigs across the canyon making their way down the top of the ridge. I figured that they were headed to water so we moved in that direction. We searched high and low but couldn't seem to find them again so I decided to head to the other side of the canyon and see if we could relocate them. As soon as we arrived at a better vantage point I saw the pigs out feeding in a meadow. I picked out an old dead tree as a land mark and we made our way back in their direction. When I thought that we were close we got out of the ranger and started walking down the hill. We hadn't gone 100 yards when I spotted one of the pigs below us feeding under the oaks. We continued down hill so that we could get a better shooting lane and as we rounded the corner another pig walked out into the meadow and Jack got down on the sticks and ready for the shot. He was waiting for the pig to turn broadside but it must of winded us and started to bolt. Jack was quick with the shot and hammered the pig knocking it off its feet but before he could get another shot off the pig was on its feet and headed into the brush. We walked down to where he had knocked the pig down and looked for blood but did not find any so we gave the pig some time to expire and I began the search. I sent Jack to the bottom of the hill so that he could watch the draw in case the pig was still on the move and I started into the brush. I quickly found a set of tracks in the leaves that looked as if they were slipping and sliding so I took off following them as I figured they were the tracks from an injured pig. As I followed the tracks I could tell that it was the right set as they were headed down hill and there was alot of fresh pig shit on the trail, typical for a gut shot animal. I had gone roughly 500 yards into the brush when I caught movement on the trail below me. It was the crippled pig and as I raised my gun here he came! The pig charged and made it within 25 yards of me before I got a clear shot and put an end to the chase. As the pig charged I put a bullet right above his right eye and the .180 grain went through the skull and into his neck shattering just about every bone in it. Upon closer inspection the boar had been hit the first time a little far back and in the guts. The bullet made a complete pass through but left no blood as the guts and fats built up in that area of the body cavity sealed the hole. It just goes to show you how super smart and tough these animals are. I can tell you from experience that you never want to underestimate the brute strength and smarts of the wild pig!
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