I finally got a chance to take my son, Cade out turkey hunting this morning. He has been wanting to hunt them since it opened and I finally had some time to try and make it happen! We arose at 3:30 AM and got ready and hit the road! We headed over to a ranch that I have permission to hunt and set out to try and get it done. We picked a likely spot and got set up well before daylight so that we would not spook the birds that I was sure were nearby. As dawn started to crack the birds went crazy!! It was awesome to hear all of the gobbles, and there must have been 10-15 different birds nearby but sounded as if they had roosted on the neighboring property across the creek. As shooting time neared Cade and I sat patiently waiting for fly down. Prior to legal shooting light some JACKASS decided to sneak onto the property and shoot a couple birds out of the roost!! WTF is wrong with people??? Not only trespassing but shooting birds out of the roost as well, I was pissed and had to take the time to explain to Cade what had just happened. He was bummed but with the amount of gobbling I had heard earlier I knew we still had a chance. We sat patiently and the birds went quiet and we called every once in awhile to see if we could drum up some interest, but no luck. I decided to make a move to the other part of the ranch and as we walked around the corner I spotted two jakes in the tall orchard grass but they had spotted us as well and started moving off in the other direction. We tried to get ahead of them but they had us busted so we called it a morning! Today was a great learning experience for Cade on what not to do!! Even though we got hosed by the poachers it was still a lot of fun spending time with Cade chasing turkey's.
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