Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools Day Pigs

This morning I hit the hills with Robert and Tim in search of pigs. We had no more got to the first gate from the cabin and I spotted a group of pigs feeding in a flat, so we put a quick game plan together and made our move. The creek allowed us to stay down low and out of sight as we closed the distance and when I thought we were close enough we came up over the rise and had them at 50 yards. The pigs had no clue we were there and the guys got set up and ready to take the shots. On the count of 3 they both fired and to my disbelief nothing fell!! The pigs took off up hill and out of sight but were confused at where the shooting came from and headed back down hill towards us. Robert settled in and took the shot sending one of the pigs squealing into the brush while the others scattered! We opted to leave the hit pig for awhile and went to find another for Tim. From along ways away we spotted a lone boar working his way uphill and I thought I knew where he was headed, so off we went. We got to an open hill side where I figured we would spot the boar, but no matter how hard I stared through the binos I just couldn't turn him up. We then headed back down hill to see if he had stopped short and sure enough we found the old warrior feeding in one of the flats. Again we were on foot and in hot pursuit!! It didn't take long to close the distance but as we neared the flat the old boar figured something was wrong and headed down the draw. The next time he popped out in a clearing he was 250 yards and I stopped him with the old coyote howl and Tim touched one off. It was an incredible shot at just over 250 yards, free handed he hit him right in the back of the head dropping him in his tracks!!!

The easy part was done, now we had to figure out how to get him out of the roadless canyon which proved to be quite the ordeal but after a few hours the trophy lay in the back of the ranger! The old battle scarred boar was loaded with cuts, scars, and split ears. He definitely had ruled the ranch for quite some time. We eventually made it back to the first pig and after a short tracking job, Robert was standing over a 150 pound boar, perfect for eating.

The guys had a great time and assured me that they would be back!       

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