Monday, May 23, 2011


Today I guided Doug Goldsmith and Don Sims for stripers. We met at Ward's Landing, launched the boat and headed down river. We stopped at the Fox Hole first thing and started worming. We caught 3 fish on the wall but they were all short so we kept on going down river. We wormed a couple of more places but the fish would not bite the worm so we switched over to minnows and started drifting. We started to pick up a fish here and there and just kept working our way down stream. Every stop we made resulted in a few fish but as we neared Lupe's Bend all hell broke loose. We could not keep a minnow in the water for more than a few minutes without a bite and we managed several double hook ups. The majority of the fish were in the 17" range but we did manage to catch 6 for the box. Out of the 30+ fish that we caught today only about 10 of them were keepers. Again it seems that what we are lacking in quality this season we are making up in quantity. Another great trip with steady action. When it came photo time I found out that the camera had a dead battery, so no pictures today. Sorry guys!!

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