Monday, November 25, 2013


No wind, no clouds, no duck weather, but you don't know if you don't go! I grabbed the clients at the casino this morning and we headed for the rice near Delevan refuge. As we awaited legal shooting light I could hear lots of geese but not many ducks. When it was light enough to see into the refuge it was evident that a ton of geese had moved into the refuge last night and pushed the ducks out, damn geese! We had a few ducks working around and as the morning went on we scratched a few birds out. To my surprise there were very few specks in the mix of geese but all the singles, pairs, and small groups wanted to work and were listening very well. The first group to work us came right over the blind at 35 yards but I got greedy and waited for them to make another pass but they didn't like something and bugged out, lesson learned! We had a few other pairs and singles work right in to 15-20 yards and the guys smoked them. We ended up with 6 specks and 4 ducks this morning, and could have had another 5-6 specks. Not a bad shoot for the terrible weather.


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